
Hi I am a graduate student at the University of Houston. My current research focus is using a holographic model to understand QCD dynamics especially the QCD phase diagram. My ultimate interest is in the quantum description of gravity. I am also interested in the philosophical ideas behind quantum physics and it's various interpretations. Apart from research I believe as scientists and especially as physicists we should also work towards transforming academia into a source of inspiration for people to draw from.

About the picture: I went for a shoot and paint experience in Houston and at the end of the session we were asked to write anything on the wall. My boyfriend (also a physicist) realised that there are no equations on the wall so I wrote the action for for gravity.



I am the president of Women In Physics Society at University of Houston. At WiPS we help build connections amongst women in STEM. I believe myself to be an advocate for women's rights in STEM and call myself a STEMinist. I am involved in various outreach initiatives which you can have a look here.

About the picture: In the summer of 2024, my boyfriend took me to the International Dark Sky Sanctuary in New Mexico to gaze at the Milky Way Galaxy with the naked eye while he was working at Los Alamos National Lab.


Everything Everywhere All at Once

When I am not doing Physics you can find me create content on social media. I am a social media content creator where I make content using numerous things that I am passionate about such as travel, literature, fitness, fashion, and of course physics. I also cohost a podcast with my boyfriend where we discuss topics like, science, physics, philosophy, psychology, society, culture and a lot more. We invite numerous guests from various different backgrounds who enlighten us (along with our listeners) with their view of the Universe.

About the picture: This blackboard picture you see was taken by me when I was doing my postgraduation from Durham University. This picture was taken in the mathematics lounge amidst a discussion over lunch.
